
● Cross†alk Group.
Specific purpose
● Encouraging laypeople to cultivate biblical thinking for biblical life-change in the workplace, and in their personal lives.
Target audience
● Business and professional men and women, working or retired, who are committed to building relationships and a better community.
● Some connection to Christ and the Church.
The Best Way to Reach This Person
● A workshop-styled, one hour early morning or mealtime meeting during the work week.
● A neutral location not normally connected with religious activity.
● Word-of-mouth, networking invitations.
● No cost, except for materials or meal (if offered).
Our Part in the Person’s Spiritual Pilgrimage
● On the “Engel Scale of Spiritual Maturity,” we anticipate serving people on the chart from -4 to +6. Our plan is to help them move up the scale through participation in Cross†alk over the course of 5 years.
Specific Milestones We Desire the Person to Achieve
● To commit their life to Christ (if not already a believer). (JOHN 3:3)
● To be a growing Christian, experiencing character development (2PETER 3:18; EPHESIANS 4:14,1).
● To identify with other believers in the marketplace.
● To think biblically regarding life and its decisions.
● To participate regularly in a local church.
● To aspire to leadership in the church.
● To receive training in skills of communicating the Christian faith.
Measuring Our Effectiveness
● By verbal and written feedback from individuals who attend regularly.
● By financial participation in the support of the ministry by those who attend regularly (1CORINTHIANS 9:7-14).
● By leadership positions filled in local churches.
● By an increasing number of new Cross†alk groups.